CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets, describes how HTML elements are going to be displayed on a webpage. Developers use CSS, for example, to change the color of the title, center a paragraph, or move a button below a textbox. There are three different types of CSS:

External CSS

An external stylesheet is a central place to put all styles and must be saved with the .css file extension. External stylesheets are widely used because they are easier to read and allow developers to change the look of an entire website simply by editing code in one file. The external css file is referenced by the HTML file using a <link> tag inside of its head section.

Internal CSS

An internal stylesheet is less frequent but still relevant. It is only useful for single HTML pages that need a unique style. Internal CSS is placed directly inside of the HTML file indicated by a <style> tag in the HTML head tag.

Inline CSS

Typically, inline styles are bad practice because it mixes content with presentation but the method still exists. An inline style is used to give styles to one specific element on the page. Inline styles are not reusable but make for a quick and dirty way to change the look of something on the page. Using inline styles requires developers to add CSS properties to the relevant element in the style attribute.

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