Scalable Cloud

Everyone is trying to cut down on cost. Storing data specifically requires a lot of money, management, and resources but thankfully there is a new way to start storing data. Cloud computing is the use of a remote server hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data with high scalability.

There are many benefits to using cloud computing. You simply get more of everything.

More Scalability

Having the ability to scale your remote servers is the first major benefit to using cloud computing. Scalability is the capacity to be changed in size or in scale. There are different types of scalability, and we can help you to choose which one is right for you!

Vertical Scaling

Vertical scaling is the ability to increase the capacity of the existing server in order to accommodate increasing workload volumes. This typically refers to adding more CPU and RAM power to the current machine. It can be done easily and requires no changes to any of the existing code. Vertical scaling is a quick alternative but is limited to the capacity of a single server so if the server can only hold 1TB of RAM then the server is only upgradable to 1TB of RAM.

Horizontal Scaling

Horizontal scaling has the ability to scale wider in order to deal with more traffic. This means adding more physical servers to the already existing amount of servers. It cannot be as easily done as vertical scaling because it involves adding clunky servers and then balancing the server by moving some of the responsibilities to the extended part of the server. Horizontal scaling is a good option when trying to increase input/output concurrency, reduce the load on an existing server, and increase disk capacity.

Diagonal Scaling

With the best of both worlds, diagonal scaling combines vertical and horizontal scaling. Diagonal scaling delivers flexibility for workloads that require additional storage resources for different instances of time. An example of diagonal scaling would be setting up diagonal scaling for when website traffic increases and removing diagonal scaling when traffic decreases. This scaling method is the most practical in terms of price and performance. This method prioritizes vertical scaling by first adding more CPU and RAM power and when that is maxed out, moves to adding more physical servers to the cluster.

More Money

Not having to buy physical servers with all the racks and wires that go with it saves money but also power since servers must be stored in a cool place to prevent overheating. These savings on physical devices can be reinvested into the company and be used to help grow your business even more. Cloud computing also saves on system upgrades, time delays, and energy consumption costs

Want to Learn More?

This is just a sample of what we can do. We have 15 years of experience working in nearly every technology and industry. Whatever you are doing, we've done it and are prepared to tackle your project. Reach out and we will discuss it with you.